Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reagan's First Halloween!

So yesterday was Reagan's first Halloween. It was quite the evening! We went trick-or-treating with our neighbors Kate and Bren, who have a daughter (Ada Mae) that is only 6 weeks older than Reagan. Interestingly enough, it turns out that they had the same costume! What are the chances? It was cute though and everyone thought it was planned. Her favorite candy was the suckers, so at each house when she got to pick her one piece of candy, it was always a sucker.
Weston left after trick-or-treating for a hunting trip with some friends. He will be back sometime Monday, so it's just me and Reagan for the weekend. It's so nice just to be able to relax and spend time with her. (not that I couldn't do that with Weston here, but it just so happens I have a pretty homework-free weekend!) I talked to Weston tonight and he said they're seeing bucks everywhere, so hopefully we'll have pictures coming soon of his "trophy buck". And just as a side note..Reagan's first favorite movie is "Bambi". Weston and her watched it the other day and she loves it. He taught her to say "deer", so now she is saying it constantly. Tonight she came up to me with the "Bambi" DVD case wanting to watch it, so we watched it again tonight. Now that she likes watching TV I'm thinking maybe it's time for one of those portable DVD players you can hang on the back of the front driver or passenger seats so that she'll stay content for drives! As of right now we only drive when it's time for her to be sleeping, so I think maybe this will be a way for us to drive when she's awake!
Well we have some busy weeks coming up, me with school, Weston with work and hunting, so we're VERY excited for Thanksgiving break. Reagan can't wait to see her Grandma and Grandpa Berning :) I've been showing her a picture of them holding her when she was a baby in hopes that she'll 1) remember them, and 2) maybe be able to say grandma and grandpa! She definitely has the Mimi and Papa down for her Grandma and Grandpa Hodge..I think she might like it at their house better than ours! Reagan will also get to meet a lot of family on my mom's side, so it should be a great time. Anyway, here are the Halloween pictures and some other randoms!