Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not much too exciting going on in our life right now, and we really like it that way! I start back to school in a week, the same day Reagan gets tubes in her ears :) That should be a great day! We're hoping the tubes really really help with Reagan's ear infections and constant whining..but probably not the whining! Weston is, of course, staying busy with work. I have been working some, but definitely enjoying my break from school. I am 16 1/2 weeks along now so we have our 20 week ultrasound scheduled for February 3rd which is pretty exciting! We did decide we're not going to find out what we're having, but we're still excited to see the baby, and more than anything hopefully see that he/she is healthy.
We have decided there are a few things that need done to our house. 1) We need to finish the basement completely, but we're just going to start with.. 2) Finishing the bedroom in the basement so that Weston can move his office down there and leave us an extra bedroom upstairs which 3) needs to be made into Reagan's new room to leave Reagan's current room for the new baby...and finally 4) put laminate wood floors clear throughout the main level of the house because our carpet is in such bad shape. So we're now trying to prioritize what needs done first with the money that we have available, and we've decided to start by finishing the bedroom in the basement. We'll keep you updated on the progress!

Reagan and Daddy decorating the Christmas tree (sorry kind of old picture!)

Reagan's pony tail!

Reagan's pretty smile :)

16 weeks pregnant!

The growing belly!