Monday, February 9, 2009

So life is pretty busy as of right now. I have been trying to fit in school, work, working out, and mommy/loving wife time. I don't know how, but I think it's getting done. A lot of it is thanks to Weston. He's been picking up my slack big time, one of the many reasons I love him :) He has been keeping busy finishing his office in the basement. As of right now the drywall is up and the first coat of mud is on. Woohoo!
Grandma and Grandpa Berning, Dylan, and Tucker came to visit this past weekend. Reagan absolutely loved it. I wish they lived closer, especially so grandpa could be Reagan's full-time entertainment. Tucker was also pretty entertaining to her. The poor dog was a pretty good sport as she constantly chased him around with her stroller. And we're not quite sure why, but Reagan calls him Nonny. Mom, Reagan and I took a trip to the mall while the boys went shed hunting. It was fun except for Reagan being pretty naughty. Her nap was well overdue and she definitely let you know it. It brought out a violent side that I have never seen. We always play at the little "playground" in the middle of the mall and she is normally the one that is getting pushed down and bullied. Well, this time it was the opposite. For some reason she felt it necessary to smack every child that ran past her. She doesn't quite understand that she is most often the puniest child in the room and that about anyone can take her, but as Aunt Leah says, she must have a case of Littleman Syndrome. Needless to say, we did not spend much time at the "playground". We do miss all of our family though and hope we can see everyone again soon :(
Last Tuesday we had our 20 week ultrasound. Like I have said, we're waiting to find out the sex so the tech didn't even look. I think it's better that way because I have a feeling that if I knew someone else knew, I would have come up with a way to find out. However, I feel that while most people's biggest excitement is the sex, ours was to find out that there were no obvious health/development problems! Yay! My question when the tech looked at the umbilical cord was, "Are there any intestines floating around nearby?". Probably not the most often asked question, but in our case, relevant :) Anyway, so we are very happy and excited and hope that everything continues to go great!
Here are some new pictures of the bump, and I am really going to try to get better about taking more pictures of Reagan, so hopefully there will be more soon! Hope everyone is having a great year so far and enjoying the warmer weather!!

21 weeks