Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So I've come to the conclusion that my life is crazy, but somehow always seems normal. I think you just always adjust to your new "normal". However, I can't help but fantasize about how my life could be so simple...I'll let you in on my fantasy...

Get done with class, go home and study. Get all my studying done and have some time to relax with my husband and daughter. Is that so much to ask?! haha...ok and now here is my real life..

Class starts at 8, or work starts at 7, whichever one comes that day. When it's done, I pick up Reagan from daycare, which is quite far from where we actually live. I run any errands that need to be done..groceries, diapers, etc. I come home, work out somewhere in there if I can, cook dinner, eat dinner, get Reagan showered and ready for bed, leave Reagan and Weston to fend for themselves for the night between 7 and 8 pm, then begin my studying. BEGIN at 8 pm..needless to say, my hours of sleep are numbered. Oh and I do laundry somewhere in the middle of the studying. Oh what a crazy life. I just have to remind myself of how great my life actually is, and that I wouldn't change it for the world. I decided the other day that while I'm a little behind school wise, I'm actually ahead in life in many other ways! That's my bright way of looking at it. And would you believe we want another baby? We must love this crazy life of ours. I just needed to vent. I'll update with info and pictures of Reagan soon!


MommyH said...

and even though it's're doing great in classes, at work and with your family :) love you danyelli.

MommyH said...

can't wait for the halloween pics :) love you.