Monday, October 13, 2008

We're Finally Bloggers!!! (thanks Leah :))

So we finally decided to join the blogging world, thanks to my sister Leah's constant nagging. That's why I love her! Hopefully this will help to keep everyone updated on our family life, especially Reagan's since she is growing so fast. I will post pictures very soon, but just to give everyone a little refresher...
Reagan was born May 20, 2007 and was 4 lbs. 14 oz and 19 1/2 in. long. She had a gastroschisis (small in in abdomen and intestines on the outside) that was surgically closed 8 hrs. after birth. She was in the NICU for only 2 weeks! This was the earliest the University Hospital had sent a baby home with her condition so we were pretty excited. She has a very small scar beside her belly button, and a small umbilical hernia that will be closed when she is 2.
Reagan is now 17 months old and a ball of fire who never, ever, stops going. She has quite the attitude, but is very sweet at the same time :) She loves her new words: "bebes" (babies), mommy, daddy, Mimi, Papa, Bebba (Becca), eye (which she loves to point to), nose (which she loves to stick her finger in), digaba (peek-a-boo), and finally, Aunt Leah's favorite, Lele.
Weston and I are keeping very busy. Weston has his own construction business, Hodge Carpentry, which is doing very well. He is currently framing a 4-Plex. I work part-time at the University Hospital as a nursing assistant on the Pediatric Cariology floor. I also am a full-time student in the University of Iowa nursing program. Our latest adventure has been painting the downstairs of our house (pictures to come!).
So there is our life in a nutshell, and I will continue to keep everyone posted!


MommyH said...

yeah!!! looks good...and can't wait for pics :) love you.

MommyH said...

so...when you have a blog...this means you're supposed to update it regularly :) p.s. sorry i missed your call today. will call tomorrow! love you mucho